WFH-Work from Home

Category:  Web App , NodeJS

How can we help people work from home during the severe period of the epidemic?

"Work from Home (WFH)" is the topic of one group in 2020 HackMeiChu (梅竹黑客松)[1]. This topic is from Micron[2]. Due to the spread of COVID-19, companies change the way of working, and some turn to work from home. Our goal is to make a design that helps work from home and better the lives of employees.

Major Features

Efficiency & Communication:
  • Dashboard -- take control of all
  • Work-assigning System and Personal Todos -- easy to manage everything
  • Meeting & Whiteboards -- like you're at the office
  • Announcement System -- never lose anything
Social Activities and Health
  • Chat rooms -- you can make friends at home!
  • Forum -- a paradise for brainstorming and helping each other
  • Online people -- not only you are working hard
  • Work time so far -- don't exhaust yourself
  • Other creation: how about a birthday surprise

Some details

Work-assigning System and Personal Todos

You can assign other tasks. When you accomplish your task assigned by your supervisor, you can inform her and wait for her check.

Pomodoro timer improves your time efficiency.

Meeting & Whiteboard & Chat Rooms

We implement video meetings using open source software --Jitsi. Whiteboards and chat rooms are implemented by using

The meeting files can be downloads!


A place for deeper discussion.

avatar source in the image:

Who's Online?

There are some people who are still working with you.

Work Time So Far

Take care of yourself. Don't be to tired!

Birthday Surprise

We are like a family. Let's celebrate your birthday.

We combine a function of Line, making us easily use line to give your colleague a surprise!

Our team

Reference and Other details

  1. HackMeiChu (梅竹黑客松) is a hackathon held by students from NCTU and NTHU, which attracts lots of students from NCTU, NTHU and other colleges.
  2. Micron.